Brazed plate heat exhangers

Product development in co-operation with the customer

  • Strong technical expertise about heat pumps
  • Expertise of product development when ideas for new technologies and finishing new products are needed
  • Using our expertise, product development and test laboratory we are able to provide the best solution for special needs
  • We support the journey from successful prototype to serial production

Innovative partner as a part of heat exchanger supply chain

Customer-specific solutions in brazed assemblies

Plate heat exchangers transfer heat efficiently between substances in a variety of industrial applications. With Loval's expertise in vacuum brazing since 1982, we offer Brazed plate heat exchangers - a compact and strong solution, delivering high performance even with thin walls.

  • Evaporators and condensers
  • Reversible operation
  • Suitable heat exchangers for future refrigerants
  • Connections can be chosen according to your needs
  • Designed and Manufactured at Loval’s factory in Loviisa, Finland
  • Several sizes for a wide range of applications

Optimized plate geometry

We understand the importance of efficiency and have CFD-optimized our plate geometry to achieve high operating performance.

Asymmetrical construction

Our asymmetrical construction significantly reduces refrigerant volumes, which is crucial for new refrigerants in particular.

R&D Team

Our expert product development team are ready to provide full support range as well as dimensioning one tailored to your specific needs.

Calculation software

Together with Loval's advanced calculation software for rapid dimensioning and theoretical analysis and R&D team, we ensure optimal performance and efficiency for your application.

Integrated plate heat exchanger

Product information

Loval’s patented IBHE combines a plate heat exchanger and electric heater. The heater in our integrated plate heat exchanger, is built-in into the structure of the product.

These heaters are used to replace the flow-through heaters currently used in heat pumps. Products with built-in heaters are more compact, require less piping and are more cost-effective. Save on space and costs with Loval IBHE.


  • Heat recovery
  • HVAC solutions
  • Industrial applications
  • Refrigeration process
  • Laboratory equipment

Improve your application's efficiency with Loval

Frequently asked questions about Brazed Plate Heat Exchangers